Integral Yoga Teachers Conference
Nov. 4–6, 022

with Senior IY Teachers


$54.00 - Community:
Discounted price for those with limited finances and no expendable income.

$108.00 - Sustainer:
For those who meet basic needs and have expendable income. This contribution helps pay for conference technical expenses.

$250.00 - Supporter:
You comfortably meet basic needs and have ample expendable income. This tier allows us to offer scholarships to teachers who cannot afford tuition and wouldn't be able to join otherwise.

This 20+hour continuing education program is valued at $350 and offered on an equitable sliding scale. Generous contributions are appreciated as they allow us to offer scholarships to teachers that otherwise would not be able to attend.

Those who need financial assistance can reach out to [email protected]

For Integral Yoga trained teachers

We are happy to invite all Integral Yoga teachers to a delightful weekend designed to refine your teaching skills and provide you with teaching inspiration and personal relaxation.

Integral Yoga teachers are trained to serve in good times and in times of trouble. In fact, your training can shine brighter in the current times of global challenge. The Integral Yoga practices combined with Yogic philosophy and psychology can reach a great variety of people to help relieve anxiety and heal deeply.

In this online Integral Yoga Teachers  Conference you’ll hear and exchange ideas on what we’ve learned in the last few years of teaching through the Covid era. You’ll have the opportunity to take Integral Yoga Hatha classes with outstanding teachers at all levels, plus meditation and relaxation sessions to help you relax and recharge.

Live online lecture and training sessions will include:

  • Integral Yoga for times of challenge
  • How to adjust Yoga students online
  • Overcoming self doubt as a teacher
  • Rebuilding our teaching and community as we emerge from the Covid era
  • Teaching pranayama for illness, or those who don’t like pranayama
  • Hatha classes for your level, extended relaxation and pranayama, and guided meditations
  • Discussion on discrimination and diversity inclusion
  • Time for networking with other Integral Yoga teachers to learn from each other

Additionally, you will have access to pre-recorded Integral Yoga classes and training targeted to deepen your understanding and teaching skills, plus tips for marketing to help your unique IY teaching style shine.

Even if you trained to teach Integral Yoga but aren’t currently teaching, you’re welcome to enroll and be renewed in your own practice—and inspired to teach.

Teachers and presenters include:

Live online sessions all day starting on Friday at 10 am ET and ending Sunday afternoon. See Full Calendar Schedule here
Times will display according to your time zone.

You will have access to the video recordings for 8 weeks after the program ends, until January 1, 2023.

In addition, you will have access to an online social community to connect and communicate with other participants about this course.

Conference Details


An Integral Yoga Teacher Training certification (any level Integral Yoga TT or 300-hour Integral Yoga TT program).

Continuing Education (CE) Opportunities

If you need a full scholarship, please contact [email protected] describing your need.


The conference was fun, joyful, heart-warming and inspiring. I loved the group spirit and exchange of ideas. I love the Integral Yoga Teachings. — A.H. Germany

I feel buoyed by the conference and grateful I was invited. — R.P. Pennsylvania

The Conference was well organized. Everyone has so much to offer! — D.M. San Francisco

I loved how our teachers discussed points that they didn’t agree on in such a soft way, seeking a common understanding. That’s a great role model for our polarized world. — Atman

What a blessing to spend time with these amazing and beautiful teachers. I appreciate that so many Swamis were involved. — Gita

Calendar Schedule

Times will display according to your time zone.
Click here for Calendar Schedule (GMT)

Start the Journey

Join us for the Integral Yoga Teachers Conference to upgrade your teaching skills, connect with sangha, and relax and recharge.