Silent Retreat Online: Time to Reflect, Relax, and Renew

Price: $30.00

Reflect, relax, renew, and turn your home into an oasis of peace. Enjoy previously recorded classes from Yogaville’s Spring Silent Retreat in meditation, Yoga philosophy, Hatha Yoga, and much more. In these challenging times, dive deep into your Yoga practices and emerge refreshed and at peace.

During this retreat, you will reconnect with your inner guidance and wisdom, gain insight from senior teachers, and refresh your spirit.

Enjoy the following recorded classes:

  • Hatha Yoga Levels 1, 2, and 3; Guided and Integral Yoga Meditations, Integral Yoga Kirtan, and Sound Bath
  • Three talks with Reverend Prakasha:
  • "Creating a Sacred Space Within Your Home"
  • "Entering into Silence: Finding Our Natural Peacefulness at All Times"
  • "Riding the Waves of Change"

  • Yoga Nidra and three talks with Swami Satchidananda:
  • "Going into Silence"
  • "Steps to the Spiritual Path"
  • "Being a Spiritual Seeker"

  • Two talks with Reverends Bhagavan and Bhavani Metro:
  • "Karma Yoga: Love, Serve, Give"
  • "Creating Harmony at Home"

  • Talk with Swami Vidyananda: "From Stress and Anxiety to Balance"
  • Talk with Dr. Amrita McLanahan: "Health Benefits of Yoga"
  • Talk with Satya Greenstone: "Introduction to Pranayama"
  • Recorded Q&A with Reverend Paraman Barsel

All sessions will be available as video recordings for you to revisit and enjoy at any time.

You will also have access to an online social community to connect and communicate with other participants about this course.

What to Expect

Since 1970, Integral Yoga Silent Retreats have provided the sanctuary and solace everyone needs from time to time. You will immerse yourself in silence while teachers offer experiential classes in Yoga philosophy, meditation, breathing techniques, Yoga postures, and deep relaxation.

All Are Welcome

These retreats are open to everyone, from beginners to advanced Yoga retreatants. Those who are new to meditation or Yoga practices will receive full instruction, while those with experience will have the opportunity to deepen their practice.


AMAZING. I have no words to do justice to the experience. It felt like coming home, rooting the teachings and heart of Integral Yoga in my own home! The online Spring Silent Retreat was a true jewel. Best thing I have done "for me" in a while. I live far away and it was a marvelous opportunity to bring the teachings to the core of my home. If you're seeking to deepen your practice while creating an ashram-like peacefulness in the heart of your own home, sign-up today! — Natalie Alarcon (Nishtha)

I loved my experience last weekend despite it being on-line. I appreciate that you offered sessions that I can still access as well as being able to revisit any sessions I especially enjoyed. Each of the spiritual instructors had a unique voice but all exhibited such warmth and humility and comfort during these very stressful times. The joy they have found in their lives at Yogaville is obvious and a wonderful example of lives well lived. I already miss them all but will return to hear their wisdom many times in the future. I also realize the gift of having sessions led by Sri Swami Satchidananda. His gentle voice and insight are invaluable. I hope to attend a retreat on-site at Yogaville in the future and meet all the wonderful people who call Yogaville home. — Diane Neal

This virtual retreat was a godsend during this pandemic. It was wonderful to be able to practice with like-minded yogis, and the content was varied and relevant. I felt supported and nurtured, and my practice at home has been infused with divine energy. I can't thank you enough! — Maria Puente-Duany


    1. Student Walkthrough – How to Navigate this Course

    2. Welcome to Silent Retreat Online: Time to Reflect, Relax, and Renew

    1. Welcome to a New Adventure

    2. Evening Sadhana

    3. Entering into Silence: Finding Our Natural Peacefulness at All Times

    1. Welcome to Day 2

    2. Morning Sadhana

    3. Karma Yoga – Love, Serve, Give

    4. Karma Yoga Practice

    5. Noon Meditation

    6. Lunch Talk

    7. Integral Yoga® Kirtan

    8. Introduction to Pranayama

    9. Evening Meditation

    10. Creating Harmony at Home

    1. Welcome to Day 3

    2. Morning Sadhana

    3. From Stress & Anxiety to Balance

    4. Karma Yoga Practice 10:50–11:30 am EDT

    5. Noon Meditation

    6. Lunch Talk

    7. Q&A with Rev. Paraman Barsel

    8. Evening Meditation & Healing Sound Bath

    9. Health Benefits of Yoga

    1. Welcome to Day 4

    2. Morning Sadhana

    3. Closing Session – Riding the Waves of Change

    4. Noon Meditation

    5. Lunch Talk

    6. Congratulations!

    7. Program Evaluation – Help us create amazing experiences

    1. LIVE – Satsang with talk by Special Guest 7:30–9:30 pm EDT — Join us EVERY Saturday

Silent Retreat Online: Time to Reflect, Relax, and Renew


E-RYT 500 Rev. Prakasha Shakti Capen

Reverend Prakasha Shakti left behind her career in broadcasting when she realized her real passion—to serve by teaching Yoga. Over the years, she was director of the Integral Yoga Institutes in Washington, DC, Boston, and San Francisco. As editor-in-chief of Integral Yoga Publications, she worked directly with Sri Swami Satchidananda. In San Francisco, she served as director of Life Enhancement for the AIDS/HIV Study Group, worked with Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease, and began hospice service. A professional writer and editor, Prakasha now specializes in Yoga for those with chronic illness and, also, teaches application of Yoga in daily life.

Start the Journey

Reflect, relax, renew, and turn your home into an oasis of peace. Enjoy previously recorded classes from Yogaville’s Spring Silent Retreat in meditation, Yoga philosophy, Hatha Yoga, and much more.